Master Certification

Excellent news to round out an otherwise difficult year. Saturday 12th December 2020 saw the certification of two new Masters within the Saenghwal Hohup Kwan Tang Soo Do Federation. Congratulations to Master Chovancova and Master O’Mahoney, your many years of hard and determined work are an inspiration to us all. The new Masters each bring a unique skill set to the Federation; Master Chovancova brings over ten years of top level European Sport Karate experience to the delivery of our sparring instruction in addition to her lengthy Tang Soo Do training while Master O’Mahoney focuses and enhances our physical activities with her extensive Sports Science background gained at Loughborough University. The day was made even more special by the certification of Cho, E and Sam Dan black-belt awards. Our best wishes go out to the candidates who were unable to be with us on the day due to the current health climate.